Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Five hundred and twenty quid - FIVE HUNDRED AND TWENTY QUID.....

......is how much it is going to cost me to get assessed for private treatment.
I finally got my doctor to refer me to the private mental health facility so that I can get treatment, seeing as the NHS service doens't want me. The lady who phoned from the clinic was very nice (so she should for 520 quid) and when she phoned me to book the appointment, I was on the bus.  The lady in front of me heard who I was asking for and when I finished the conversation she turned round and asked if I was speaking to SE at the clinic, to which I answered that I was.
"Oh she is lovely", she said. "I got referred there when the NHS wouldn't give me treatment."
"Similar story" says I.
Nice lady on bus went on, "But I didn't give in. I had a solicitor take the NHS to court and now they have to fund me privately haha. I'm Borderline Personality btw".
With that, she gave me her solicitor's number and got off the bus.
It felt that someone cared - a random stranger telling me not to give up and to keep fighting for them to give me the treatment I deserve.
I never found out her name, but thank you nice mental lady.
So, my assessment. I have agreed to the appointment which is at the end of February (thank god, I can give them a cheque just before I get paid again.) This means I am totally, totally broke, but I don't feel that I have much choice.  The assessment is for 90 minutes with a psychiatrist and a psychologist. By god am I going to use the WHOLE 90 minutes.  They will then decide if I am a lost cause or not.
I hope I don't have one of those days when I am "I'm fine, it's all OK, it doesn't get that bad" etc. I NEED support.

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