Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Do I live in the UK or abroad?

Now this has been the question in the forefront of the minds of the DWP.  Apologies for those of you fighting DLA, but I have some problems of my own right now which are also a fight.  I beleive that the DWP just says "No" to everything, hoping that we won't appeal, but when we do, it ends up costing the government millions in legal fees when we overturn their rulings which they could have prevented in the first place.
My problem is with habitual residence.  Now, my appeal is set for 13th December in York.  I won't say much about the case as this could be read and I don't want that becoming an issue but I will say the following:
  • I am representing myself. (Although might ask mum to go with me in case I get overwhelmed and emotional.)
  • I have looked up all the legislation and have put together an appeal based on this; I was advised by a solicitor to put together as much paperwork as possible, because this is what legal people like.
  • I am shitting myself.
I have never been to court in my life.  Although I have watched suey2's (http://diaryofabenefitscrounger.blogspot.co.uk/) banned video which although is geared towards ESA, I feel is still relevant. (SERIOUSLY? This was BANNED????)
I don't want to play on my psychiatric problems, but the fact that I don't is part of my mixed personality disorder (i.e. denial with a capital D).  However, I am terrified that I have missed something crucial in my defence.  I have sent a bundle of paperwork and have some more to add but still......
So I will be crapping myself in 6 weeks, plus have to take an afternoon off work to do it!!

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